Thursday 3 October 2019

Halloween Countdown: Fun with Slime

It's not quite time for me to stick my hands in some pumpkin guts yet, but that doesn't mean there's not an opportunity for a good SLIME.

In fact, now is the perfect time to make PUMPKIN SLIME—consider it prep for the real deal closer to the end of the month. My mom said she'd help me make it this weekend. Want to give it a try? Scroll down for the ingredients and directions!

Remember to use the ingredients I've specifically indicated for best results—most importantly, Elmer's white glue. We tried it once before but it didn't quite work out.

Ready to get slimed?

Here's what you need:

 • 1/2 Cup Elmer’s White Glue
 • Unscented Shaving Cream
 • Orange Food Coloring
 • Mason Jar
 • Black Construction Paper
 • Scissors
 • Saline Solution
 • Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
 • Pumpkin Scented Oil (optional)

Here's what you do:

1. Add 1/2 cup of Elmer’s white school glue and 4 cups of shaving cream to a bowl. Mix well and then add in a some drops of your orange food colouring. Stir to mix in the colour. Optional: You can add in a few drops of pumpkin scented oil after you mix in the food colouring—no problem if you don't want to, though. The slime isn't stinky on its own.

2. Next stir in 1/4 tsp of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. Then add contact solution about 1 Tablespoon at a time and mix.

3. Keep adding a little more contact solution and mixing until your slime begins forming into a ball-like form as you mix. You’ll notice this is when it starts to turn into slime and becomes less sticky. It will begin coming off the sides of your container and sticking together.

If your slime is still sticky add some more saline solution by starting small and adding a little as you go and continue to knead it. The slime will take on a fluffy marshmallowy consistency—you'll know because you won't be able to stop touching it. <grin>

When you’re finished you’ll want to store your slime in an air tight container.

Last year at school, we created our own jack-o-lantern jars by cutting out the faces from black construction paper and using some Elmer’s glue to glue their faces to the mason jars.

I've got a great idea for what kind of spooky "face" I'll be giving my jar of pumpkin slime.

Gotta jet! See you tomorrow for more pre-Halloween fun.

~ Chase Superman Duffy

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