Friday 12 April 2013

K is for Kevin Therres

I'm super excited to be testing my blogging stamina by taking part in the A-Z Blogging Challenge. Started by the awesome Arlee Bird, the challenge is to write a post every day of the month (except Sundays) based on the appropriate letter for the day. Sound confusing? Stick with me throughout April and you'll get it. My theme is: Things that inspire me.

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Kevin Therres is one of the most inspirational men I have ever met. He’s the innovator behind the first ever Jet Engine Funny Car to run on 100% canola biodiesel. You can read his story here and check out this video...

Mr. Therres is a mechanic and he was fixing one of his friend’s combines many years ago, when he wondered if he could build a race car that would run on canola biodiesel. He and his wife Gwen started working on the project right away – and built an amazing corvette that has raced dozens of times in North America. If you ever get a chance to see it, you should – it’s loud enough to blow your hair back, and it shoots flames out of the exhaust. It’s awesome!

Mr. Therres doesn’t just build and race cars, though. He travels the country and talks to kids about the importance of chasing your dreams – just like he did.  Did you hear him when he visited Amaz-ing Ag in Edmonton? Or in Lethbridge last January? Or even Calgary, Medicine Hat, or some other prairie school?

What’s YOUR dream?

Gotta jet!

- Chase Superman Duffy

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