Tuesday 9 April 2013

H is for Halloween

I'm super excited to be testing my blogging stamina by taking part in the A-Z Blogging Challenge. Started by the awesome Arlee Bird, the challenge is to write a post every day of the month (except Sundays) based on the appropriate letter for the day. Sound confusing? Stick with me throughout April and you'll get it. My theme is: Things that inspire me.

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Oh yeah, I know summer is just around the corner (if it ever stops snowing!), but I’m always thinking about Halloween. It’s my favourite holiday.

I love carving pumpkins, going to Halloween-inspired haunted houses, and even trick-or-treating with my friends (well, not anymore since Mom says I’m getting too old for that). The best part about Halloween, though, is that you actually get to be whoever you want to be.

Like, two years ago, I dressed up as Superman. Mom bought me the cape and everything. It was a great costume, but kind of predictable since everyone at school calls me Superman anyway. So last year, I went for Halloween as an astronaut. No one suspected that, even though I’m fascinated by outer space. I wore a helmet and everything!

Hmmm. It’s almost time to start thinking about this year’s costume. I wonder what I’ll choose…

Do YOU love Halloween, too? What are you thinking about being this year?

Gotta jet!

- Chase Superman Duffy

1 comment:

  1. I love Halloween, too! Usually myself is frightening enough. :-)
