Friday 24 June 2016

I’m designing a house. YOU can too!

We’ve been doing a lot of crafts these past few days at school, winding down before summer break (which is like, a WEEK away, not that I’m counting of course!) and although I don’t MIND doing them, “art” isn’t really my thing—I’m more of a writer.

But this week, my teacher handed out the coolest assignment. I’m designing my future house! Sort of.

The Infill Design Project is a chance for Grade 4-6 students to draw a picture of their ideal infill house. What’s an infill house? Well, it’s a new house that is built in an old neighbourhood to fill an existing space or replace a home that has been damaged by fire, neglect, or old age. Sometimes they’re tall and skinny, but they can be almost ANY design, and architects across Canada are looking for new ideas.

I have a few.

Like I said, I don’t draw very well, but illustrator James Grasdal says I just need to practice. I’m not great with people or animals (I can’t get the face right!), but these houses are perfect—I just have to think about what *I* would like for my dream home.

Big? Skinny? Crazy and creative? (Probably!) Or maybe futuristic, like a space ship? Mine will have a giant walk-in closet for all of my track and field shoes, and a display case for the Gold medals I’m going to win at the Olympics. (Hey, it’s about dreaming big, right?)

I might ask Grandma for advice—she says the kitchen is the most important part, and I do agree. But any dream house I design will have to be big enough for a dog. I really want one.

Anyway. If you want to take part in the Infill Design Project, check out the site hereand then get drawing! Your design could be featured on the website. Keep an eye out for mine…it will probably be canola yellow. <grin>

 Gotta jet!

— Chase Superman Duffy

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