Saturday 11 April 2015

A to Z Challenge: J is for Jasmine

This month, I’m taking part in the A-Z Blogging Challenge, the annual event where hundreds of bloggers write 26 blogs—one for each letter of the alphabet—and post them each day of April, except Sundays. This year, I’m blogging about: THINGS THAT GROW IN ALBERTA. Don’t forget to check back daily and leave a comment on my blog, Facebook page, Twitter, Tumblr or via email at I’ll randomly pick a few winners who will WIN a SIGNED copy of one of the Chase “Superman Duffy” comics.

Have you ever smelled jasmine flowers?  Their scent is REALLY strong.

My grandma has a small patch of them in one of her (many) flower beds, and sometimes when I stay there and keep the window open in the summer, the smell is overpowering. I guess it’s not so bad—it’s not like skunk or something, that’s for sure. (Plus, they remind me of grandma, which is awesome.)

No matter how hard she tries, my mom can't seem to grow jasmine in our garden. Even though there are like 200 different varieties of jasmine plants (not all of them can be found in Alberta, of course), Grandma says we don’t have the right environment for them in our yard: nto enough light in the back because of our giant evergreen tree, and the front flowerbeds don’t get quite enough sun.

Since she can’t grow any of her own, Mom says jasmine is her favourite tea.

Is there a flower, plant, or tree in your yard that smells really strong? What or who does it remind you of?

— Chase Superman Duffy


  1. I love jasmine but don' t seem to manage to grow it though I did have a winter jasmine for a bit--small yellow flowers to cheer up the grey days. My vote now has to be for honeysuckle and roses.
    Anne at

  2. Hi Annie,
    Thanks for stopping by!
    My grandma has LOTS of roses in her garden as well. They smell nice! I don't think I know what honeysuckle is — I'm going to look that up!
    ~ Chase
