Friday, 1 March 2019

Time to start Spring clean-eating!

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? It's also (almost) the start of my favourite season—if Jack Frost ever lets go this winter. It's the perfect time to start "cleaning" and I'm taking a first crack at my "Spring" nutrition.

I admit, I’m not the best eater when summer ends. It starts at Thanksgiving, carries over into Christmas, and by that point, my bad habits are solidified. I can't even exercise as much because I prefer training outside instead of on a treadmill. I know, it's not a great excuse. Plus, there's Superbowl in the mix, and that's always a big food event around our house.

But about this time every year, I start thinking about how I can make better choices. And if I want to beat my personal best on the track field this year, I need to start feeling up.

But where to start? Well, a new Food Guide was just released, and even though Mom says it's not exactly perfect, it's a good place to start. Especially since fruits and vegetables make up a huge part of your recommended daily nutritional intake. I can handle that, especially since I spotted Dragonfruit in the grocery store last week. It's impossible to get "local" fruit at this time of year, so why not go as exotic as possible?

Mom says we can add it to my fruit salad, which I always top with plain yogurt and a sprinkle of granola. Delicious! I have that every other day, and for the times in-between, I make smoothies with either strawberries and bananas, or raspberries and blueberries—plus a teaspoon or so of canola oil. No, seriously. Not sure how to do that? Here's a great recipe.

The truth is, if you fill your belly with good foods—healthy stuff like fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains—you're eating a lot. And then you won't be as hungry for that bag of chips or that Kit Kat.

I've packed a healthy lunch for school today and I can't think of a better way to kick of National Nutrition Month. Can you?

Gotta jet! Have a great weekend—and eat good foods!

~ Chase Superman Duffy

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