Thursday 22 November 2018

NaNoWriMo Day 22: Hooking The Reader From Page 1

I don't know about you, but I'm revved up and ready for the home stretch of this year's NaNoWriMo challenge. I even wrote more than my required words yesterday—which means I have a good chance of heading into the weekend with some extra time on my hands.

Time I plan to use writing. And reading.

But I'm looking for a new novel—and every time I go into a bookstore or library, I’m in awe of how many books are on the shelves—thousands of thousands of them. And that’s not even a fraction of the number of books published every year.

So, how do you choose which book to read?

My tactic is always to read the first page. If the author makes me want keep going, there’s a good chance I’ll buy the book or take it out from the library.

I know what I don’t like in the first few paragraphs—too much dialogue, too many characters, too much description and too much information. So what does make me turn the page? It got me thinking about my NaNoWriMo story, and so I did some research.

Here are three writing tips for HOOKING THE READER from the very first page:

Introduce with an intriguing character.
No matter what genre you’re writing—fantasy, science fiction, mystery, etc.—your story should begin with the character. Tell who he/she is in the first line, if you can, but for sure, by the end of the first page. Readers want to know whom they are investing time in.

Begin at a pivotal moment.
Start your story with something your character wants, whether it’s a glass of water or to cross a crumbling bridge. The situation should be unusual. After finishing the first page, your reader should wonder what happens next.

Create an interesting picture.
Describe the setting—but not too much. Your reader should get a sense of place, even by the end of the first page. Don’t just say the character is in “Alberta” — give one or two sentences that show where in Alberta. (Like on my grandpa's canola farm!)

Think about some of your favourite books. What is the first line? What was the last line of the first page? Why did you keep reading? Do you have a great first page for your NaNoWriMo story?

Gotta jet!

~ Chase Superman Duffy 

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