Friday 24 January 2020

Riddle Me This

January 29 is National Puzzle Day and okay, so a riddle is probably not what comes to mind when you think about puzzles...but I love that line from Batman. And if you think about it, a riddle is a puzzle for the brain.

I've always loved brainteasers. Sometimes I help my dad with the Sunday crossword (well, help may be exaggerating a little—though I'm getting better!) And I know I don't excel at math, but I have figured out how to do Sudoku.

Did you know that puzzles and brainteasers can enhance your memory and improve concentration? Those are just a couple of the benefits—but that's enough for me to step up my puzzle game.

Of course, you can search different brainteasers and puzzlers on the internet, but because National Puzzle Day is next week, I thought I’d start you going with three that I enjoy. Can you solve them?

Which letter comes next?
A, C, F, J, O, _____

Read the following description and try to figure out what food is described.
Throw out my outer.
Keep my inner.
Eat my outer.
Throw out my inner.

This one’s a tough one!
What 7-letter, 1-syllable, past-tense verb becomes a 7-letter, 3-syllable, past-tense verb if you change it’s 5th letter from an H to a T?

Do you have any favourite brainteasers? Share them in the comments. Bet you can’t stump me!

Gotta jet! I'm going to spend some time this weekend trying to figure out the ultimate puzzle—the Rubric's Cube! See you next week.

~ Chase Superman Duffy

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