Thursday, 14 November 2019

NaNoWriMo Day 14: Trudging Through the Middle

Can you believe it? We're almost in the middle of the month—half way through NaNoWriMo, and, if you're on track, then you're also half way through your word count goal, if not more. I'm close! I had an awesome day yesterday—I wrote more than 700 words! My word count is now at 3, 925. I know, I know—if only I'd powered through those last 75 words for an even 4,000.

But I'll take what I can get.

I'm not actually worried about hitting my word count goal this week—I've got something else playing on my mind. The middle of my story. It's not...well, it's not as strong as the beginning. In fact, the last 1,500 words or so has felt a little "blah."

 I've been using great description, my characters are developed, and there is plenty of conflict throughout the story...but it still just kind of sags. And it's like quicksand, dragging my motivation down too. Apparently that's normal—writers of all levels suffer from what is sometimes called the spaghetti middle.

I bet you think I'm going to dole out a bunch of tips and tricks for tackling that "muddy middle"—but the truth is, you (and by you, I mean me) just need to keep trudging forward. I definitely shouldn't be reading that section, not with the end in sight.

So this is my advice: don't focus on the middle. Focus on writing THE END.

Your entire project is going to need editing. Probably a rewrite of mass proportions. And that's okay...the object is to write a 10,000 (or 50,000, or whatever your goal is) word story in a month. And guess what? You're halfway there!

So, back away from your work in progress for a few minutes, hours, or even the whole day if you have to. And when you get back at it, don't even look at that "muddy middle." Power through to the end. I'll be trudging along right beside you.

Gotta jet! May the words be with you!

~ Chase Superman Duffy 

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