Friday, 28 July 2017

Frankenstein Day Is Coming Soon!

Okay, not SOON. Its' actually not until August 30, in celebration of Mary Shelly's birthday. (She's the author of the original Frankenstein book.)

BUT, I just found out that the illustrator of the Superman Duffy graphic novels, James Grasdal, is working on a FRANKENSTEIN BOOK! Sure, it's for little kids, but on Wednesday he showed me the drawings, and when it gets published it is SO going into my Frankenstein collection. 

You guys know that monsters are my favourite—I love them all, especially zombies. So, I've decided that the rest of the books for my summer reading challenge are going to be FRANKENSTEIN inspired. That way, when it's REALLY Frankenstein Day, I'll be prepared. 

I might toss in a couple of Frankenstein movies, too. If I make a big batch of popcorn, Grandma will watch them with me (she loves monster flicks!) And I'm going to dig out my comics too. Last year I re-read the original (it's so great!), so this year I'm going to tackle a couple of the adaptations. Do you have a favourite? 

And on a completely different (scary!) note, do you realize that the summer is HALF OVER?! I've only scratched the surface on my summer bucket list. What have you been up to?

Gotta jet. I'm heading to K-Days tomorrow and I need plenty of rest. Maybe I'll see you there? Have a safe weekend!

— Chase Superman Duffy

Friday, 21 July 2017

Looking Back

I was going through some of my old blog posts this week, remembering what I was doing last summer—and it's kind of surreal to think about where the time has gone. Last July, I was counting down the days until the Summer Olympics and playing Pokemon Go with my sister. (I haven't played that game in forever!)

This year I'm reminiscing about the 16 graphic novels that were written about me. If you're new to the blog or the series, you probably don't remember Fields of Home, the first book, where *I* go back in time to meet the first Canadian canola farmer, Mr. Slovonuk. He brought a handful of seeds over from Poland, planted the first crop and well...the rest is history. The adventures continued from there.

The new book, "O" celebrates 50 years of the canola industry, but unlike the Superman Duffy series, the crop will continue to grow and thrive and expand, and the books...well, they've come to an end. (Hey, we had a great run!)

Yes, I'm a little sad that *I* won't be going through any more adventures at the hands of the author and illustrator—no more tunnelling through damp soil, or running from dinosaurs, or defeating mosquitoes of unusual size—but I guess that just means I'll have to write my own adventures.

Starting this summer!

I've been pretty laid back this past month, but as of tomorrow, I am going to start doing some of the things I wrote on my summer bucket list. Like going to the local museum, or trying out a new sport—maybe kayaking! <grin>

What are YOU doing for the rest of your summer? Can you believe our break is already half over?

Gotta jet!

~ Chase Superman Duffy

Friday, 7 July 2017

The Official Launch of “O”

It’s here. FINALLY! The official release of the 16th—and final <sniff>—Superman Duffy graphic novel, “O.”

I know, I’ve been talking about this book for what probably seems like FOREVER. 

But this one is special. Not just because it’s the last one, or that it brings back many characters from the previous 15 books. “O” is a celebration.

Of Canada’s 150th birthday. Of the Canadian canola industry’s 50th anniversary. Of the Canadian inventors and inventions that have made the world a better place. Of 16 amazing books written by Alberta author Dawn Ius, illustrated by Alberta cartoonist James Grasdal, and published (with support from the Alberta Crop Industry Development Fund) by the Alberta Canola Producers Commission.

What. A. Project. <sigh>

So, where can you get this masterpiece of celebration? Well, if you’re going to the Calgary Stampede over the next 10 days, stop by the Alberta Canola Producers Commission booth where they’ll be handing out hot-off-the-press copies. (Seriously!)

Not planning to attend the Calgary Stampede? Contact the Alberta Canola Producers Commission via phone at 780-454-0844 to learn how to order your school or library copy—it’s free for Alberta teachers! (Plus, you can stock up on other great education resources.)

I hope you had a great Canada Day. I’ve gotta jet—we’re packing up for a weekend of rides, rodeo, and…food? (I couldn’t think of another “r” word!) Maybe I’ll see you at the Calgary Stampede? Yeehaw!

~ Chase Superman Duffy