Friday 2 May 2014

How will YOU celebrate National Teacher's Day?

I can’t believe April — and the A-Z Blogging Challenge — is over. The month went by so fast, maybe even faster than Superman…

But, the great thing is, I (and you!) can go back and read those “writing” posts ANY time for inspiration, ideas, and advice. I know I will be as I continue working on my short story. Even though April was busy, I’ve made great progress.

This weekend, I’ll be scrolling through the internet (and my mom’s PInterest site) for some craft projects I can make to celebrate National Teacher’s Day on May 6. Not into crafts? That’s okay!

Here are a few other ideas you can use — and none of them include a hot glue gun. <grin>

1. Celebrate with the whole class and make cookies, or, bring in a bag of apples for everyone to share.
2. Write a short essay or poem for the teacher who has most inspired you. (I’m going to write a haiku for Mrs. Kratky — she’s my favourite!)
3. On twitter? The whole country will be using the #ThankaTeacher hashtag. Come up with a short sentence to thank your favourite teacher and use the hashtag. Maybe it will trend!
4. It’s gardening season. What about a package of flower seeds? You can add a note that says: Thank you for helping me bloom. (Or something.)
5. Get out your crayons and construction paper — sometimes, the best gift is a homemade card.

Good luck!

Okay, I gotta jet. Have a great weekend.

— Chase Superman Duffy

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