Monday, 28 February 2011

Hi! I'm Chase.

But my friends call me "Superman Duffy" because I'm the fastest kid in my class. Last year, I was the provincial champion for the 50-metre dash.

But I've got some stiff competition this year. Gordon "Lightening" Smith's legs seemed to have sprouted faster than my Grandpa's canola crop, and the new red-headed kid has jet-powered legs or something.

I'm not really worried.

When coach Taylor doesn't have us at practice, I sprint alongside my Grandpa's field. Last year, I got it down to 13 minutes flat...but I kind of pushed it, which led to this.

This year, I'm aiming for 11 minutes - if the snow would ever go away. Grandpa says the cold is not good for crops, but it keeps pests away. But even he's had enough.

People think I'm just an athlete, but I also like to write, which is I guess why I started this blog. Maybe you could write with me?

- Chase Superman Duffy