Wednesday, 3 April 2013

C is for Coach Taylor

I'm super excited to be testing my blogging stamina by taking part in the A-Z Blogging Challenge. Started by the awesome Arlee Bird, the challenge is to write a post every day of the month (except Sundays) based on the appropriate letter for the day. Sound confusing? Stick with me throughout April and you'll get it. My theme is: Things that inspire me.
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You know how you sometimes have a special person in your life who pushes you to be your best, to do something you never thought you could do?

Well, Coach Taylor is that person for me. It’s because of him that I started training for track and field, and he inspires me to do my best, every time I go out on the track, or run around my Grandpa’s canola field. (Ha! C is also for canola, since it’s a very important part of my life – my grandparents are canola producers, we cook with canola oil all the time, and canola biodiesel is used to fuel my very favourite Biodiesel Jet Funny Car.

Coach Taylor can be pretty strict sometimes, but I think that’s because he wants me to do my best. He always tells me I can be anything I want to be – and right now, that’s a track star. The competition is stiff, even at my own school. That’s okay though, because I have Coach Taylor in my corner.

Who’s that special person in your life? Who’s in YOUR corner? 

Gotta jet!

- Chase Superman Duffy


  1. In the realm of coaches, it would have to be Coach Fitzgerald when I played Pop Warner football back in the dark ages.
