Friday 8 February 2019

Is Jack Frost nipping at your toes?

Yikes! The weather this week was horrible where I live—steady days of -32C or more—and in some parts of the province, it was almost -50C with the windchill. That's cold. Extreme cold. Like, stay-outside-for-more-than-a-few-minutes-and-get-frostbite cold.

And this cold isn't supposed to let up—not for another few days, at least.

I should expect it. I've lived in Alberta my whole life and the weather has always been a little bit unpredictable. But have you noticed that it's become a little more....unusual? It wasn't even a month ago that I was running outside in a T-shirt—a T-shirt! In January!—and this week, Mom won't let me and my sister go anywhere without a parka, wool mittens, and a face mask. We look like abominable snow people!

But even though Alberta is cold at this time of year, the weather isn't quite as predictable as it used to be.

We’re learning about climate change in science class right now—which is pretty much defined as a significant change in the weather for a long period of time. It can cause…chaos. Like, flooding, drought, melting snow and ice, extreme heat, and really crazy storms. Maybe that doesn’t sound scary to you, but for some people, farmers like my Grandpa for example, climate change can have an impact on, well, everything.

The thing is, you can’t control the weather. So, I asked my Grandpa—how do farmers cope with climate change? You know what he said?

Well, to find out, check out one of my favourite books in the Superman Duffy comic series, CLOUD 9 —it’s ALL about the effects of climate change. You can order it here.

Gotta Jet! Stay warm and toasty this weekend!

~ Chase Superman Duffy

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