Friday, 24 July 2020

Reading: It's Good for Your Health

You probably think that headline is a joke—I mean, sure, reading is a great brain activity, and if you want to be a writer, it's vital. But I'm not kidding—research shows that reading is a more effective stress reliever than listening to music or going for a walk—even more effective than doing yoga. (That fact got me out of following one of Mom's online classes last week.)

It's not that I'm overly stressed—but I admit, this pandemic is weighing on me. I can see it weighing on my parents too. Mom isn't back at work fully, and she's worried about us going back to school in September. Not to mention the weather. Wow, have we had a wet summer!

The weather is also stressful for my grandparents, who could use a little—okay a lot—of sunshine right about now. Flooding could be an issue this year...every time we get a downpour, some of the streets by my house are like rivers.

Sometimes I love running in the rain, but not with these storms! So what better way to spend a rainy day than immersed in a good book? Not only is it good for my brain...but it's good for my overall health. Imagine that!

Gotta jet! Have a good weekend...regardless of how you spend it.

~ Chase Superman Duffy

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