Friday 28 June 2019

Happy (early) Birthday, Canada!

Happy (early) Birthday, Canada!

And happy start to summer holidays! School is officially out today, and as usual, my family will celebrate this weekend, and especially on Monday, Canada's official birthday.

I love Canada Day, because every year Grandpa and Grandma come into the city to watch the fireworks with us, and Mom invites all of the neighbours over for a barbecue—even when it's gloomy outside. Dad and I have a hot dog decorating contest—that’s when you put as many different foods and as much as you want to on your hot dog. I always win because he says chocolate doesn’t go with mustard and ketchup.

It’s tradition!

I’ve been thinking a lot about traditions this week.

Traditionally, I head to Grandpa’s farm after the Canada Day fireworks and spend the first few days of the holidays helping Grandma in the garden and Grandpa in the field. It's been a rainy few weeks so I can't get out running yet, but there’s always work to be done—like scouting.  No, that doesn’t mean pitching a tent and being a Boy Scout; that’s when Grandpa and I walk through the fields with a net and swish it through the crop and see how many bugs get caught up in the net. Grandpa says that’s a good way to know how many bugs are feasting on his canola. I have a feeling I'll need to wear my rain gear this time, though.

And I think this year, I’m going to start a new tradition, like being thankful for all of the reasons it’s great to be a Canadian, starting with all of the great inventions Canadians have been a part of—like basketball, insulin, the IMAX theatre, and so much more. You can read all about them in the Superman Duffy graphic novel, "O." Don't have a copy? Download or order it from the Alberta Canola Producers Commission website.

Gotta jet! Hope you get to celebrate Canada’s birthday this weekend with your family—and find some new ways to top your hot dogs.

~ Chase Superman Duffy

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