Artist extraordinaire James Grasdal is putting the finishing
touches on the 13th book in the Superman Duffy comic
series— MYTHCONCEPTIONS. Which, you may have guessed has a little something to
do with common “myths.”
I love myths! So for this year’s A to Z Blogging Challenge, I’m going to “bust” as many of them as I can—every day (except
Sundays) on the blog, throughout April.
Not familiar with the A to Z Challenge? Get the details
here, and then hang on, because I’m about to blow your mind with my
myth-inspired posts.
P.S. Comment on the blogs throughout the month for a
chance to WIN a complete set of the Superman Duffy comics, including lucky #13,
~ ~ ~
“Agriculture is a
man’s world!”
Ha. I hear this myth a lot from people who don’t really
understand the agriculture industry. But anyone who knows my grandma knows that
farming is definitely not just a
“man’s” world.
Sure, my grandma spends time in the kitchen—nobody whips up
a batch of delicious MONSTER COOKIES like Grandma (the recipe is in the
Superman Duffy comic TASTING MY STORY)—but not only does my grandma know how to
work all of the machinery on my grandparents’ canola farm, she also has studied
chemistry, and graduated from an accounting program. (That’s not even counting
her hands-on experience!)
But just like any business, my grandparents split up their
roles, so no one person is doing too much. I have no doubt Grandma could run a
combine if she had to. I’m not so sure how Grandpa would fare in the kitchen,
though! <grin>
Okay, so we’ve busted that
farming myth, but here are a few others that might surprise you:
MYTH: Organic
means better.
FACT: Nope. When
it comes to nutrition and safety, food is food. Organic farmers may have
different rules, but all producers have the same goal—to produce safe, quality
products while caring for the land. And contrary to popular myth, organic
farmers still use pest and weed management methods (including the use of specific
pesticides) to keep their crops safe.
MYTH: Agriculture
is a large contributor to greenhouse gases.
FACT: Innovation
is busting this myth all on it’s own! The majority of farmers now practice
no-till farming, which means that this year’s crop is planted in last year’s
straw. This minimizes soil disturbance preventing erosion, and reduces the
amount of fuel required to grow a crop. Plus, as machinery continues to
improve, fuel efficiency goes up and emissions go down. That’s good news for
MYTH: Farmers are
just in it for the money.
FACT: Not so!
Most farms are passed down from generation to generation—and most farmers
continue to farm because they love the lifestyle (all that country fresh air!
And the quiet from light and noise
pollution). And most farmers take pride in managing their farms to protect the
soil and the environment so that, should a child/grandchild wish to retain the family name. That’s why my grandparents keep farming
MYTH: There are
no jobs in agriculture.
FACT: Total myth.
Without even thinking too hard, I can list off a number of farming-inspired
jobs—agronomists, vets, mechanics, tradesmen, marketers and transportation
professionals, to start. But don’t take my word for it—watch for the 14th
Superman Duffy comic this year—it’s all about careers in agriculture.
MYTH: Most farms
are owned by corporations.
FACT: Nope. Like
I said earlier, most are family-owned, passed down through generations of
farmers. There are good farms and bad farms, just like there are good
businesses and not-so-great businesses—size has nothing to do with it.
MYTH: Farmers
aren’t concerned about the environment.
FACT: Absolute
hogwash. Farmers rely on the
environment to help grow healthy crops, and are always looking for non-invasive
or more efficient tools to produce your food.
Okay, I know, we’re just scraping the surface here, but I’ve
gotta jet—there are thousands of blogs to visit during the A to Z Challenge,
and I still have to prepare my “B” post where I’m going to bust some myths
~ Chase Superman Duffy
P.S. Don’t forget to comment on this post, or share it on
Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for a chance to WIN a complete set of theSuperman Duffy comics. A grand prize winner will be chosen at random on May 1, 2016.
I'm with you! Farmers are the best!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more! Thanks for commenting :-)
DeleteHi Melanie, I am trying to contact you to give you a set of the Chase Superman Duffy books to thank you for commenting / supporting my A to Z Challenge, but I can't find contact info. Could you please email me at chase.superman.duffy@gmail.com? Thanks!