Hey! Are you doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)? Follow me this month as I work through the alphabet of great
writing tips, from creating ACTION to getting into the ZONE.
Need a writing buddy? Email me at chase.superman.duffy@gmail.com or comment in my daily posts. We can inspire each other to put down those daily word counts. My goal this year: 5,000 words.
Need a writing buddy? Email me at chase.superman.duffy@gmail.com or comment in my daily posts. We can inspire each other to put down those daily word counts. My goal this year: 5,000 words.
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Imagination is more important than knowledge. — Albert Einstein
My mom always tells me that I have a very active IMAGINATION. I think she’s trying to tease me a little, but I’m not insulted at all. In fact, I’m thrilled. Because like Albert Einstein says, imagination is important.
Of course, imagination is important for writing.
Unless you’re writing
“true stories” (i.e.: non-fiction), your characters, the world they live
in, and the adventures they go are INSPIRED by your imagination.
But having an active imagination isn’t just important for fairy tales. Imagination makes you think stretch beyond the everyday thinking and find creative solutions for everyday problems. It challenges you to look at things in a different way.
But having an active imagination isn’t just important for fairy tales. Imagination makes you think stretch beyond the everyday thinking and find creative solutions for everyday problems. It challenges you to look at things in a different way.
You probably already have a great imagination, but there are definitely ways you can boost it.
1. READ.
2. Take up a hobby.
3. Change your routine.
4. Play games.
5. Start a journal.
I do all of those things—but number five is a big one. In fact, that’s my letter J, tomorrow—JOURNALLING.
Gotta jet!
1. READ.
2. Take up a hobby.
3. Change your routine.
4. Play games.
5. Start a journal.
I do all of those things—but number five is a big one. In fact, that’s my letter J, tomorrow—JOURNALLING.
Gotta jet!
— Chase Superman Duffy
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